Authoring R Packages

IAMCS Machine Learning and Applied Statistics Workshop Series

February 18, 2014

Mathew McLean
Research Assistant Professor
Texas A & M University

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  • There are two types of functions
    1. closures
    2. primitives
  • Primitives are implemented in C and cannot be created by the user
  • Closures can be created using the primitive function function
c(mode(`function`), typeof(`function`), mode("function"))
## [1] "function"  "special"   "character"
  • A closure has three parts
    1. formal arguments: variables passed to the function for it to use
    2. body: an R expression, or several expressions enclosed in { }
    3. environment - current environment when function is created (more on this later)

Extracting the Parts of a Closure

FunParts <- function({
  return(list(formals(, body(, environment(
## [[1]]
## [[1]]$x
## [[2]]
## dim(x)[2L]
## [[3]]
## <environment: namespace:base>


  • ... is a special object type in R used to passed extra arguments to a function
  • Arguments that don't match any formal arguments of a function are matched with ...
  • Arguments matched to ... can be extracted using list(...)
    • can also use c(...) or as.list(...)

Partial matching of Argument Names

  • Full names of arguments need not always be specified when calling a function
    • True for extraction ($), and attributes (attr) as well
  • Note: partial argument matching occurs before ..., but not after it
DemoPartialMatch <- function(first.arg, ..., second.arg){c(...)}
DemoPartialMatch(fir = 1, sec = 2)
## sec 
##   2
  • Bad practise, leads to bugs, don't use partial matching
  • R has global options which can be set to warn about this

Useful Functions for Working with Arguments

  • Use missing(x) to check if the argument x is specified in the call to a function
  • Use hasArg(x) to check for argument x is in ... or in formal arguments
TestingMissing <- function(x, ...){
  print(c(hasArg(x), hasArg(y), missing(x)))
TestingMissing(y = 1)
## Error in missing(y): 'missing' can only be used for arguments
  • Alternative: function(x = NULL){ is.null(x) ...
  • Note: the use of invisible prevents x from being printed if no assignment occurs

Checking Arguments

  • We need to make sure the arguments are in the form we expect
  • errors, warnings, and messages should be issued as necessary
    • messages should be meaningful for the user

Some useful functions include

  •, is.null, is.numeric, etc. for checking type
  • all, any, e.g. any(
  • use inherits to check the class of an object
  • identical is the proper way to check equality in if and while statements
    • consider x == y when x or y does not have length one or are NA or NULL
    • all.equal is for near equality; though isTRUE(all.equal(...)) is fine too

Handling Errors

  • try - wrapper to safely run an expression that may fail
result <- try(FooFun(x), silent = TRUE)  # silent = TRUE means error message suppressed
if (inherits(result, "try-error"))
  result <- NA
  • Equivalent alternative:
result <- tryCatch(FooFun(x), error = function(e) return(NA))
  • Try demo(error.catching) in R and see ?conditions
  • if messages can be ignored when function is called by your code, use suppressMessages
    • suppressWarnings for suppressing warnings

Working with Calls

  • a call is one of three language objects in R (the others are expressions and names)
  • We may use inside a function to capture the original call
  • This is useful for example:
    • to modify the contents of a call and pass them on to another function ; see e.g. lm
    • to save the call for later use (e.g. returning it as part of a list)
GetCallParts <- function(x, ...){
  .call <- = TRUE)
  return(list(.call[[1]], .call$z))
GetCallParts(x, y = 1, z = 2)
## [[1]]
## GetCallParts
## [[2]]
## [1] 2

Working with Calls

  • We can use to call a function by name and argument list (example coming later)
  • We can evaluate calls using eval
StupidSum <- function(x, ...){
  .call <- = TRUE)
  .call$x <- NULL
  .call$na.rm <- TRUE
  .call[[1L]] <-"sum")
StupidSum(x = "hi", y = 1, z = 2, z2 = NA)
## [1] 3

Functions are First Class Objects

Functions may be

  • assigned to variables and stored in data structures
  • used as arguments to other functions
  • returned by other functions
  • anonymous (not bound to a variable)

Example: Change error distribution used to simulate complicated model

GetErrorDist <- function(, ...){ <-
  return(function(n), list(n, ...)))
ErrorDist <- GetErrorDist("rnorm", sd = 3, mean = 10)
## data <- SimulateModel(n = 100, ErrorDist, other.args)
ErrorDist <- GetErrorDist("rt", df = 2); ErrorDist(3)
## [1] -0.01098557  0.58717775  3.81613738

Scope, Environments, and Frames

  • Assignment (e.g. x <- 1) and function calls (e. g. f(x = 1)) bind values to variables
  • A frame is a set of bindings (collection of objects)
  • A variable is allowed only one binding per frame
    • Can have different bindings in different frames
  • A free variable in a particular frame is one that is unbound (has no assigned value)
  • Scoping rules determine where R looks for values for free variables
  • An environment is made up of a frame and a pointer to an enclosing environment
  • The scope of a binding is the set of environments in which it is visible

Environments and Function Calls

  • Recall, a function has three parts: arguments, a body, and an enclosing environment
    • The function's enclosing environment is the one it was created in
  • When a function is called, the following occurs
    1. Args. in the call are matched to the formal args of the function definition
    2. A new environment is created and assignments are made to it for each formal arg.
      • The function's environment becomes the enclosing environment for this one
    3. The body of the function is evaluated in this new env. and result is returned

Environments and Frames

  • User's workspace is R_GlobalEnv, which is bound to .GlobalEnv
  • search() gives a list of all attached packages - "the search path"
    • i.e. all env. where R will look for bindings (including .GlobalEnv)
  • When a package is attached, its environment becomes the enclosing env. of R_GlobalEnv
  • x <<- 1 will bind value 1 to first instance of a variable x in the search path
    • or create a binding for x in R_GlobalEnv if no existing binding is found
  • Craziness: Functions parent.frame and parent.env are very different
    • parent.frame(1) gives the environment of the calling function - used frequently
    • parent.env gives the enclosing environment of its argument - rarely of direct use
  • Also see ?with and ?local
  • Two nice references on frames, environments and scope in R here and here

Lexical Scoping Example

  • Every closure is associated with a enclosing environment (the one it was defined in)
Fun1 <- function(x){
  y <- 1
Fun2 <- function(x){
  y <- 1
  G <- function(z) z + y
H <- function(z) z + y
y <- 0; x <- 100
c(Fun1(1), Fun2(1))  # Because of local bindings for x in both Fun.'s, x in .GlobalEnv is ignored
## [1] 1 2
  • Since H is defined in .GlobalEnv, H uses y in .GlobalEnv -- this is lexical scoping

Working with Environments

env <- new.env(); env  # create and print a new environment
## <environment: 0x00000000183b5ea0>
env$x <- 1; as.list(env)  # add object x to env and view its contents
## $x
## [1] 1
env$f <- function(x, env){
  assign("x", x, envir = env);
  return(environment(NULL)) # return the current evaluation environment
ls(envir = env)  # list objects in env
## [1] "f" "x"

Working with Environments

env$f(100, env)  # assign 100 to x in env
## <environment: 0x000000000e1f20c0>
get("x", env)  # retrieve value of x in env              ## 100
env$f(10, parent.env(env))  # assign 10 to x in env's parent environment: R_GlobalEnv
## <environment: 0x000000000db730c0>
x                                                        ## 10
f <- function(n) parent.frame(n);
identical(f(1), eval(f(2), envir = new.env()))           ## TRUE  # R_GlobalEnv

Package Environments

  • A loaded package, pkgname, has three environments associated with it
    1. "package:pkgname" - all exported objects (really pointers to the objects);
      • returned by search()
    2. "namespace:pkgname" - all objects (pointers), including internal ones
    3. "imports:pkgname" - objects from other packages required by pkgname
  • These are locked: trying to add or remove bindings in them causes error; see ?bindenv
# Function for viewing the environments associated with an attached package
GetPkgEnvirons <- function(pkgname){
 ns <- getNamespace(pkgname)
 return(list(package = as.environment(paste0("package:", pkgname)),
   namespace = ns, imports = parent.env(ns)))
sapply(GetPkgEnvirons("stats"), environmentIsLocked)
##   package namespace   imports 
##      TRUE      TRUE      TRUE

Viewing Source code

  • source code can be viewed by typing the function name at the console

    • only works if function is exported by namespace on the search path
    • sometimes backticks (`) are necessary
    ## function (pkg, name) 
    ## {
    ##     pkg <- as.character(substitute(pkg))
    ##     name <- as.character(substitute(name))
    ##     getExportedValue(pkg, name)
    ## }
    ## <bytecode: 0x000000000b607278>
    ## <environment: namespace:base>
  • :: - function for viewing exported objects from a namespace, e.g. pkgname::FunName

  • ::: - function for viewing internal objects in a namespace

Viewing the sources

  • My favourite R function: getAnywhere()
    • access any internal or external function on the search path
    • no need to specify package
    • who has time to read the help files? Learn by example!
  • Download source package (the .tar.gz one) view files in src (for C code)
  • Note: ::: should not be used in production code;
    • function is not exported for a reason, package author could change it without notice
  • Source code for R-devel
  • U. Ligges on accessing source code: Rnews 6.4, pp. 43-45

Classes and Methods

  • Classes provide a template for the creation of objects
  • Methods are the special functions of a class that work on the class's objects
  • Classes in R can inherit features from multiple other classes
  • Classes simplify code, making it easier to use, and reuse
  • S3 is R's oldest, simplest, and most used way to implement OOP
    • Uses generic functions, special functions that usually only call UseMethod
    • Create a new generic: MyGeneric <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("MyGeneric")
  • S4 is newer, more elegant, and has many more features

Defining S3 Classes and Methods

  • S3 classes do not require a formal definition
    • simply change the class attribute of an object
    • e.g. class(x) <- "MyClass" or `class(x) <- c("MyClass", "data.frame")
  • We can define a new method for MyGeneric as follows
MyGeneric.MyClass <- function(x, ...){  # note the matching signature
  ...  # some expressions
y <- structure(list(a = 1, b = 2), class = "MyClass")  # create instance of MyClass
MyGeneric(y)  # no need to say MyGeneric.MyClass(y)
  • UseMethod decides which method to dispatch based on the first argument of the generic
  • Use methods(print) to list all the methods defined for the generic print
    • or methods(class = "Date") to list all methods defined for class Date

S4 Classes

library(fortunes); fortune(121)
## Sean Davis: It got me going quickly with S4 methods, which it seems to me
## are the way to go in most cases.
## Rolf Turner: If you want to simultaneously handcuff yourself, strap
## yourself into a strait jacket, and tie yourself in knots, and moreover
## write code which is incomprehensible to the human mind, then S4 methods
## are indeed the way to go.
##    -- Sean Davis and Rolf Turner (expressing different views about the
##       benefits of S4 classes)
##       R-help (May 2005)
  • H. Wickham on object oriented programming in R: intro and more advanced
  • ?setRefClass for creating references classes - methods belong to obj., obj. are mutable


  • My second favourite R function: browser
    • stops execution and allows for inspection of current environment when called
  • debug(Foo): calls browser as soon as Foo is entered
    • can then step through function line by line
  • recover allows for browsing in any active function call
  • trace: allows for insertion of arbitrary debugging code at chosen points in a function
    • trace(Foo, edit = TRUE) opens editor with copy of Foo's code when Foo is called
      • changes made in the editor are then used when executed Foo
    • e.g. trace(Foo, browser, exit = browser) calls browser on entry and exit of Foo
    • to insert code at certain steps, see the at argument and the examples at ?trace
    • Use untrace(Foo) to stop tracing Foo


  • When developing package, you may find the following options useful:

    • options(error = utils::recover)
      • post-mordem debugging of errors when they occur
    • options(error = function() traceback(2))
      • print call stack automatically on error
    • options(showWarnCalls = TRUE, showErrorCalls = TRUE)
      • Call stack is printed when a warning or error occurs
    • options(warn = 2)
      • all warnings are treated as errors
    • options(prompt = "Howdy! ")


  • For determining which parts of code are slowest and use the most memory
library(mgcv, quietly = TRUE)
X <- matrix(rnorm(5e5), 1e3, 5e2); y  <- rowSums(X) + rt(1e3, df = 1)
invisible(gam(y ~ te(X[, 1], X[, 2]) + X[, c(-1, -2)]))
Rprof(NULL)  # turn off profiling
## $by.self
##                      self.time self.pct total.time total.pct
## ".C"                     14.00    96.95      14.00     96.95
## "%*%"                     0.14     0.97       0.14      0.97
## "eigen"                   0.08     0.55       0.08      0.55
## "crossprod"               0.04     0.28       0.04      0.28
## "tcrossprod"              0.04     0.28       0.04      0.28
## ""                 0.02     0.14      14.26     98.75
## "FUN"                     0.02     0.14       0.06      0.42
## ""      0.02     0.14       0.04      0.28
## ""                0.02     0.14       0.04      0.28
## "[.data.frame"            0.02     0.14       0.02      0.14
## "double"                  0.02     0.14       0.02      0.14
## ""                   0.02     0.14       0.02      0.14
## $
##                       total.time total.pct self.time self.pct
## "block_exec"               14.44    100.00      0.00     0.00
## "call_block"               14.44    100.00      0.00     0.00
## "doTryCatch"               14.44    100.00      0.00     0.00
## "eval"                     14.44    100.00      0.00     0.00
## "evaluate"                 14.44    100.00      0.00     0.00
## "evaluate_call"            14.44    100.00      0.00     0.00
## "force"                    14.44    100.00      0.00     0.00
## "gam"                      14.44    100.00      0.00     0.00
## "handle"                   14.44    100.00      0.00     0.00
## "ifelse"                   14.44    100.00      0.00     0.00
## "in_dir"                   14.44    100.00      0.00     0.00
## "knit"                     14.44    100.00      0.00     0.00
## "parse_page"               14.44    100.00      0.00     0.00
## "process_file"             14.44    100.00      0.00     0.00
## "process_group"            14.44    100.00      0.00     0.00
## "process_group.block"      14.44    100.00      0.00     0.00
## "slidify"                  14.44    100.00      0.00     0.00
## "try"                      14.44    100.00      0.00     0.00
## "tryCatch"                 14.44    100.00      0.00     0.00
## "tryCatchList"             14.44    100.00      0.00     0.00
## "tryCatchOne"              14.44    100.00      0.00     0.00
## "withCallingHandlers"      14.44    100.00      0.00     0.00
## "withVisible"              14.44    100.00      0.00     0.00
## "estimate.gam"             14.34     99.31      0.00     0.00
## ""                  14.26     98.75      0.02     0.14
## "magic"                    14.02     97.09      0.00     0.00
## ".C"                       14.00     96.95     14.00    96.95
## ""           0.22      1.52      0.00     0.00
## "%*%"                       0.14      0.97      0.14     0.97
## "eigen"                     0.08      0.55      0.08     0.55
## "totalPenaltySpace"         0.08      0.55      0.00     0.00
## "FUN"                       0.06      0.42      0.02     0.14
## "apply"                     0.06      0.42      0.00     0.00
## "matrix"                    0.06      0.42      0.00     0.00
## "quantile.default"          0.06      0.42      0.00     0.00
## "variable.summary"          0.06      0.42      0.00     0.00
## "crossprod"                 0.04      0.28      0.04     0.28
## "tcrossprod"                0.04      0.28      0.04     0.28
## ""        0.04      0.28      0.02     0.14
## ""                  0.04      0.28      0.02     0.14
## ".External2"                0.04      0.28      0.00     0.00
## "model.frame"               0.04      0.28      0.00     0.00
## "model.frame.default"       0.04      0.28      0.00     0.00
## "na.omit"                   0.04      0.28      0.00     0.00
## "sort"                      0.04      0.28      0.00     0.00
## "sort.default"              0.04      0.28      0.00     0.00
## "[.data.frame"              0.02      0.14      0.02     0.14
## "double"                    0.02      0.14      0.02     0.14
## ""                     0.02      0.14      0.02     0.14
## "["                         0.02      0.14      0.00     0.00
## "format_perc"               0.02      0.14      0.00     0.00
## "formatC"                   0.02      0.14      0.00     0.00
## "paste0"                    0.02      0.14      0.00     0.00
## "pmax"                      0.02      0.14      0.00     0.00
## "vapply"                    0.02      0.14      0.00     0.00
## $sample.interval
## [1] 0.02
## $sampling.time
## [1] 14.44

Timing functions

  • For shorter runs, Rprof can be misleading and the microbenchmark package can be useful
x <- numeric(10000)
microbenchmark(unlist(lapply(x, function(y) y + 1)), for (i in seq_along(x)) x[i] <- 1)
## Unit: milliseconds
##                                  expr      min       lq     mean   median       uq       max neval
##  unlist(lapply(x, function(y) y + 1)) 4.511981 4.829220 5.218576 4.964749 5.241842  7.643321   100
##     for (i in seq_along(x)) x[i] <- 1 7.600157 7.687542 8.199546 7.955580 8.073601 13.383509   100
  • Need to consider garbage collection; see Radford Neal on microbenchmark issues
  • See tracemem, Rprofmem, or Rprof with memory.profiling on for tracking memory usage
  • Contributed packages profr and proftools provide additional anaylsis of profiling results
  • See Chapter 3 of Writing R Extensions manual

Creating a Package

  • To start a package use function package.skeleton
    • specify package name, directory to create pkg in and specify objects to include in pkg
  • What to put in the package is specified using one of the following arguments
    • list - character vector specifying object names
    • environment - an environment containing objects to add to the package
    • code_files - character vector of path names to .R files (sourced to create pkg)
  • The result is a directory named after your package containing:
    • Directory R containing source code (one file per object or a copy of code_files)
    • Directory man containing outlines of documentation files for each object
    • Directory data for data in .rda files
    • NAMESPACE file - objects to be imported and exported
    • DESCRIPTION file - basic info about the package
    • Read-and-delete-me file - do as the name suggests

The DESCRIPTION File - Example

x <- read.dcf(file = system.file("DESCRIPTION", package = "splines"))
writeLines(formatDL(names(, as.character(x), style = "list"))
## Package: splines
## Version: 3.2.0
## Priority: base
## Imports: graphics, stats
## Title: Regression Spline Functions and Classes
## Author: Douglas M. Bates <> and William N. Venables <>
## Maintainer: R Core Team <>
## Description: Regression spline functions and classes.
## License: Part of R 3.2.0
## Built: R 3.2.0; x86_64-w64-mingw32; 2015-02-27 03:19:04 UTC; windows

These are all the required fields, plus Built which should not be specified by author

The DESCRIPTION File - Other fields to consider

  • Collate: used to specify the order the R code files should be processed in
    • If used, all files must be given; can be OS-specific, e.g. Collate.unix
  • Authors@R: for machine-readable author specification with the person class class
  • BugReports: A URL to send bug reports to
  • Imports: List of packages whose namespaces you use (comma-separated, no quotes)
  • Suggests: Packages not necessarily needed, e.g. only used in tests or vignettes
  • LinkingTo: Package names, to make use of their C header files
  • Enhances: Packages your package enhances
  • Depends: Packages that must be attached to load your package

    • Depends is often incorrectly used instead of Imports
  • Can also version number requirements, including for R itself

    • e.g. Depends: R (>= 3.0.0)
  • Many others. Only fields that should not be used are Built and Packaged

Package Contents: NAMESPACE File

# lists possible functions for NAMESPACE file
names(parseNamespaceFile("utils", R.home("library")))
##  [1] "imports"             "exports"             "exportPatterns"      "importClasses"      
##  [5] "importMethods"       "exportClasses"       "exportMethods"       "exportClassPatterns"
##  [9] "dynlibs"             "nativeRoutines"      "S3methods"
  • What should be exported? (user can use with ::)
    • export(FnctnName)
    • exportPattern(reg.ex) - includes all files matching reg.ex
  • What needs to be imported from other packages?
    • import(, importFrom(,
    • importing an entire package (using imports) should be avoided, if possible
  • What compiled code needs to be included: useDynLib(foo)


  • LaTeX-like help files that get converted to LaTeX, HTML, and text when pkg built
  • use function prompt to generate an outline (skeleton) for a new function for the pkg
  • Should contains examples that are checked when package is built
  • Chapter 2 of Writing R Extensions Manual

Package roxygen2 - Documentation Made Easier

  • With this package, you write documentation above function definition in source file
  • Function roxygenise() parses this code into a documentation file
  • Can also create NAMESPACE and DESCRIPTION files
  • Each line starts #', then just replace LaTeX-like markup with @

For example:

#' This is the title of the documentation file
#' This is the description of the function
#' @param x a character vector
#' @return string; x - processed some way
#' @details These are the details
#' @export
#' @importFrom tools toRd
#' @seealso \code{\link{table}}
#' @examples MyFun(c("hi", "bye"))
MyFun <- function(x = "hi"){

Additional Subdirectories of the Package Directory

  • tests - additional code for testing the package
  • demo - Code for user can see executed with demo function
  • inst - additional data, that is not .rda format
  • src - for compiled code

Additional Helpful tools

  • RStudio
    • Can add a special pane for checking, building, and installing packages to its GUI
  • package testthat
    • tools for making testing easier (important)
  • package devtools
    • Many useful functions when writing code for packages

Additional Information and Getting Help

  1. Writing R Extensions manual
    • system2("open", file.path(R.home("doc"), "manual", "R-exts.pdf"))
    • Other manuals: list.files(R.home("doc/manual"))
  2. Tutorial on creating packages by R Core Team member F. Leisch
  3. Lecture notes on how to create R packages by R Core member B. Ripley
  4. CRAN policies
  5. John Chambers - Newest book, the "Green Book" (S4), the "White Book" (S3)
  6. Hadley Wickham - Advanced R Programming and the companion package pryr
  7. Search and ask questions on Stack Overflow and the R mailing lists
  8. R functions ?? or; RSiteSearch to use the R-project search engine
  9. CRANberries for new packages and updates